Viagra vs. Kamagra: Which drug is best for treating erectile dysfunction?

Viagra vs. Kamagra: Which drug is best for treating erectile dysfunction?
  • Posted On: Feb 12, 2021

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a medical condition where a man struggles or can't encourage penis erections. ED is a severe medical condition, and it shouldn't be avoided, especially in your early 30s and 40s. There are numerous ED medications like Viagra, Kamagra, Stendra, and Levitra, which are proven to cure erectile dysfunction (ED).

These all medications are also approved for ED by FDA (United States Food And Drug Administration). Among all these medications, Viagra is the oldest and popular one for curing ED and other similar sexual disorders. Nevertheless, all these medications function almost the same, but there are some differences that hardly anyone knows.

In our opinion, it's imperative to understand the differences, functioning, and side effects of these medications. Subsequently, today we're comparing Kamagra and Viagra, and let's see which one is more effective.

Kamagra Vs. Viagra: Functioning

First and foremost, both these drugs have their own pros and cons; hence, none of them is suitable for everyone. In the scientific language, both these drugs are PDE5 inhibitors. PDE5 inhibitors are responsible for promoting the blood flow in your penis area and relaxing your body muscles.

Kamagra and Viagra should be consumed at least 30-45 minutes before indulging in sexual intercourse. When it comes to significant differences in functioning, Viagra should only be consumed when needed. On the other hand, Kamagra should be on alternate days or twice a week as per the doctor's prescription. Viagra will help your body for nearly 5-6 hours, and Kamagra effects last for 12-18 hours.

If you aren't interested in a long-lasting drug, Viagra is best for you because it offers instant results. In terms of functioning, Viagra is suitable for the short-term, and Kamagra is appropriate for a longer period.

Quick Overview

A Quick Overview About The Ingredients Of Kamagra And Viagra

When it comes to ingredients, Kamagra, Viagra, and even Cialis have the same primary ingredients. However, there are a few minor differences in the secondary ingredients, but that shouldn't be a concern for the consumers. Sildenafil Citrate is the primary ingredient of both these drugs, which is also present in the generic and branded versions.

If you look at the back label of these drugs, this primary ingredient would undoubtedly be present in different concentrations. As per the consumers and doctors, 100mg of Sildenafil citrate is enough for giving longer and stronger penis erections.

Sildenafil citrate effectively relaxes your penis tissues and thereby accelerates the blood flow, which results in stronger erections. If you want to go deeper and understand these drugs' ingredients, have a chat with your doctor.

Side Effects

Kamagra Vs. Viagra: Know The Side Effects

As you already know that Viagra and Kamagra drugs belong to the same drug class and these drugs' side effects and interactions are almost similar. Most drug manufacturers and doctors suggest consumers avoid taking these drugs with fruits or fruit juices. Yes, because fruits can affect the functioning and effects of these drugs.

The side effects of Viagra are facial flushing, minor headache, diarrhea, blurred vision, and severe constipation. When it comes to Viagra drug interaction, consumers have experienced pulmonary hypertension and significant decrement in the blood pressure levels. Above all, the overdose of Viagra can result in skin cancer and minor skin allergies. Next, the common side effects of Kamagra are congestion, chest pain, drowsiness, high/low blood pressure, facial flushing, constipation, and skin irritation. Nevertheless, the severe side effects of Kamagra are more intense than Viagra. If you're suffering from blood pressure (BP), a combination of BP medicines and Kamagra pills can decrease your blood pressure level. Plus, consumers even experienced prostate problems while consuming this drug for a longer period.

In our opinion, there are some differences between the side effects of Kamagra and Viagra. So whichever ED medication your doctor has prescribed, know the side effects and drug interactions.

What About The Cost And Availability Of These Drugs?

The generic versions of Kamagra and Viagra are approved by the FDA and available across the globe. Nevertheless, Kamagra is primarily and readily available in Asian countries instead of western countries. When it comes to Viagra, this blue pill is available from the United States to Sydney. In 2012, Kamagra was called the cheaper version and 'Younger Brother' of Viagra in Western countries. Both these drugs have the same properties, ingredients, drug interactions, and functioning are the same.

If you are interested in saving a few bucks while buying erectile dysfunction medications, Kamagra pills is the best bet! Hence, it's clear that Viagra is always the first-choice for ED because of its properties and functioning. Lastly, Kamagra is also a good option for budget-friendly people.

Kamagra Vs. Viagra: Final Verdict

Whether you consume Kamagra, Viagra, or similar ED medications, results aren't 100% guaranteed. Choosing the best ED medications depends on several factors, and thorough research is mandatory. Hence, both the medicines are effective for treating ED and provide enhanced sexual stimulations; results and effects depend on dosage routine and lifestyle.

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