What is Generic Cialis?

What is Generic Cialis?
  • Posted On: Jul 02, 2021

The majority of men in this world suffer from the problem of erectile dysfunction. Most of them are ashamed to talk about this, thus leading to a failed relationship or marriage. Generic Cialis is one of the best FDA-approved medicines for erectile dysfunction.

Erectile dysfunction is a condition where men are unable to maintain an erection. It usually happens due to improper flow of blood towards the penile region. Cialis is available in four dosages – 5mg, 10mg, 20mg; 60mg. depending on your level of erectile dysfunction, the doctor will prescribe you an adequate dosage.

The key ingredient of Cialis is tadalafil which relaxes the blood vessels leading to the penile area so that more blood can flow into it.

Generic Cialis for Erectile Dysfunction

Generic Cialis is an FDA-approved medicine for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction is a condition where a man is facing trouble in maintaining an erection. Many factors cause erectile dysfunction, such as:

  • Anxiety and stress
  • Depression
  • Severe consumption of alcohol and smoking
  • Diabetes and high cholesterol
  • Constant consumption of unhealthy food
  • Insufficient amount of exercise

Effectiveness of Generic Cialis

Through multiple clinical trials, generic Cialis has proven to be an effective medication to treat erectile dysfunction. If taken according to the doctor's prescription, you may never have to deal with erectile dysfunction again.

Dosage of Generic Cialis

Several factors decide the level of dosage of generic Cialis. Some of them are:

  • Level of erectile dysfunction
  • Any other medical issues you may have
  • Your sexual life
  • Age

Generally, doctors start from small dosages and increase it with time only if required.

Side Effects of Generic Cialis

Once you start taking generic Cialis oils, you may notice some mild side effects. If these side effects continue, immediately consult a doctor. Some of these side effects are:

  • Headache and dizziness
  • Pain in muscle
  • Running nose
  • Rashes on your skin
  • Back pain
  • Indigestion
  • Slight pain in your arms or legs

Usually, these side effects go away within a couple of weeks. However, if these side effects become more severe, then talk with your doctor. Generic Cialis does not have any serious side effects, but there is a chance that you may see these severe side effects. Immediately seek medical help if you come across any of these severe side effects.

  • Ringing in your ears
  • Blood during urine
  • Loss of vision or hearing
  • Erection lasting more than 4 hours
  • Severe change in blood pressure
  • Swelling under your skin

The moment you come across these side effects, immediately talk with your doctor.

Tips to Avoid Generic Cialis Side Effects

No doubt that the best way to take any medicine is as per the doctor’s direction. Keep in mind, do not take any other erectile dysfunction medications while you are using Cialis. Moreover, never take more than one generic Cialis pill within 24 hours. Be open with your doctor regarding your other medications, as Cialis can negatively react with other medications.


If you have specific medical issues, then generic Cialis may not be the right choice for you. Never take medication without a doctor’s opinion. Before adding generic Cialis to your daily life, you should have a chat with your doctor. Tell him about all the medicine you are taking due to any other medical issues, such as:

  • Heart problems: if you are on medication for any heart condition, like an irregular heartbeat or chest pain, you should talk with your doctor about it. The clash between generic Cialis and your heart medication may lead to serious side effects.
  • Hypertension problem: a patient with high blood pressure must not take the Cialis pill without doctor consultation. Cialis has some components that may make your blood pressure severely low or high. Extremely low or high blood pressure is dangerous for the body and can take years to recover. If you have any history of high or low blood pressure, immediately tell your doctor before taking generic Cialis.
  • Stroke: if a person has a history of stroke, generic Cialis may increase your risk of stroke. Make sure to talk with your doctor before taking the pill.
  • Liver problem: someone who has hepatitis or suffered liver failure may face issues with Cialis. A weak liver will not be able to break down Cialis quickly properly. It can lead to the accumulation of the drug in your system, increasing the risk of severe side effects. In such cases, one must start with small doses of generic Cialis.
  • Kidney problem: the same will happen if you have any kidney problem. A weak kidney may not be able to get rid of Cialis on time. Similarly, the accumulation of the drug can lead to a risk of severe side effects.
  • Bleeding problems: if you have hemophilia or have a history of this illness, don't use generic Cialis. Generic Cialis increases the risk of bleeding in your body.
  • Facing erection more than 4 hours: the effect of generic Cialis lasts for 3-4 hours. However, if you face a prolonged erection for more the 4-6 hours, immediately consult a doctor. Prolonged erections cause severe long-term damage to your penile region. In such cases, you may have to stop taking Cialis pills or any other erectile dysfunction medicine.

Does Generic Cialis Work for Women?

No, generic Cialis is not for women. It is specially designed for men who have erectile dysfunction. Other medicines are specially designed for women who suffer from low sex drive.

Is Generic Cialis Safe?

Every FDA-approved medicine goes through many tests and runs to determine its effectiveness and safety. Generic Cialis clinical test shows that this medicine is safe and effective in treating erectile dysfunction. However, it may be deadly to those who suffer from serious health issues like high or low blood pressure, internal bleeding, or heart disease. Before taking any dosage of generic Cialis, consult your doctor.

How Long Does It Take for Cialis to Work?

The medications start working within 20-30 minutes of intake. It works better if you consume it with cold water. Keep in mind, before and after taking the generic Cialis pill, do not consume alcohol. Alcohol and generic Cialis do not mix well with each other, thus leading to serious medical problems. Generic Cialis lasts for almost 36 hours in your body without causing any problem. Thus, there is no need to take any other medicine before 36 hours. The medicine will react once your body is sexually stimulated, leading to an erection. As mentioned, the erection will stay for almost 3-4 hours.

Overdose of Generic Cialis

Using any medicine more than the recommended dosage can lead to serious side effects. Similarly, consuming generic Cialis more than prescribed can lead to severe and threatening side effects. The overdose symptoms are similar to the usual side effects people see whenever they take generic Cialis. If those symptoms persist for more than a week and get severe with time, consult your doctor.

Erectile dysfunction is a problem that many men face but stay silent. This silence leads to many misunderstandings and breakups in relationships. Consult your doctor today, and get the accurate dosage of generic Cialis for erectile dysfunction. This medicine is effective, safe, and pocket-friendly. It is easily available online with a safe payment gateway.

Order your packet of generic Cialis today!

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